
为防止未经授权的用户安装Windows镜像,微软选择了对部分ESD文件进行加密。加密工具先对原始镜像使用AES加密特定的数据块,然后使用RSA加密AES密钥,并将密钥加密结果及其他信息以XML表的形式保存在ESD文件尾部。在正常使用流程中,客户端先从Windows Update服务器获得ESD文件及RSA私钥,此后由RSA私钥解密AES密钥,再由AES密钥解密那些加密过的文件区段。如果只有ESD文件而没有RSA私钥,ESD就只是一个占地方的废品而已……吗?








  1. 压缩数据开始位置的偏移量。
  2. 压缩数据的长度。
  3. 解压后的数据长度。


    ULARGE_INTEGER ullUncompressedSize;
    DWORD dwWindowSize;
    DWORD dwCompressionType;
    DWORD dwCompressedSizes[];
  1. 第一个字段ullUncompressedSize,64位整型,存放该索引解压后的数据大小。用该值可以计算出该索引对应的区块总数:numChunks =⌈ullUncompressedSize ÷ 64 MiB⌉以及该索引的尾部区块大小:sizeof(tailChunkUncompressed) = ullUncompressedSize – (numChunks – 1) × 64 MiB。非尾部区块的大小恒定为dwWindowSize(64 MiB)。
  2. 第二个字段dwWindowSize为压缩前的每段数据块大小。对ESD文件总是64MiB。
  3. 第三个字段dwCompressionType为数据块的压缩类型。对ESD文件总是LZMS (3)。
  4. 最后一个字段是存放压缩后数据大小的数组,每个大小数据可用于计算下一个压缩块的起始位置。


  • 索引对应的压缩区块数量。
  • 每个压缩区块的起始位置、数据长度以及解压后的数据长度。


ESD XML区块表长度。


每个固实数据块对应的区块数量可由区块表结构体大小推得:(sizeof(chunkTable) – 16) ÷ 4。以上图中的第一个区块表为例:结构体大小为28,扣除一个64位整型及两个32位整型的16字节,可得dwCompressedSizes数组的最大下标:(28 – 16) ÷ 4 = 3,即第一个数据块对应3个区块。

下一步是确定各个区块的起始位置。每个固实数据块的首个区块起始位置必然是区块表的结束位置+1,故对于1号索引而言,起始位置就是208 + 28 = 236。



Function UncompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputLen) Returns Length Throws Exception
Function CompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputCap) Returns Length Throws Exception

Function GetCompressedSize(CompressedBuffer[64 MiB]) Returns Length
    SizeToTry = 1
    UncompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    RecompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    While SizeToTry < 64 MiB:
            ULen = UncompressLZMS(CompressedBuffer, SizeToTry, UncompressedBuffer, 64 MiB)
            If ULen != 64 MiB:
                Throw BAD_ULEN
            CLen = CompressLZMS(UncompressedBuffer, 64 MiB, RecompressedBuffer, 64 MiB)
            If CLen != SizeToTry:
                Throw BAD_CLEN
            If RecompressedBuffer != CompressedBuffer
                Throw BUFF_MISMATCH
            Return SizeToTry
            SizeToTry = SizeToTry + 1
    Return 64 MiB // Chunk is uncompressed (can happen in ESDs).

ESD XML元数据资源偏移。


Function UncompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputLen) Returns Length Throws Exception
Function CompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputCap) Returns Length Throws Exception

Function GetUncompressedSize(CompressedBuffer[CompressedSize]) Returns Length
    SizeToTry = 1
    UncompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    RecompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    While SizeToTry <= 64 MiB:
            If SizeToTry = CompressedSize:
                Throw SAME_LEN_NOT_ALLOWED
            ULen = UncompressLZMS(CompressedBuffer, CompressedSize, UncompressedBuffer, SizeToTry)
            If ULen != SizeToTry:
                Throw BAD_ULEN
            CLen = CompressLZMS(UncompressedBuffer, SizeToTry, RecompressedBuffer, 64 MiB)
            If CLen != CompressedSize:
                Throw BAD_CLEN
            If RecompressedBuffer != CompressedBuffer
                Throw BUFF_MISMATCH
            Return SizeToTry
            SizeToTry = SizeToTry + 1
    Return CompressedSize // Chunk is uncompressed (can happen in ESDs).



ESD XML删除文件范围。

ESD文件在每个元数据资源后面都会附带一份查找表和XML信息(如上图绿框所示),我们可以根据元数据资源及其长度来获得对应的“查找表+XML”起始地址。用下一区块表的起始地址(如上图红框所示)减去“查找表+XML”的起始地址,我们可以得到“查找表+XML”的数据长度。以第一个索引为例,该处无参考数据的查找表起始于63501870 + 37704 = 63539574,其数据长度为63585588 – 63539574 = 46014,即从ESD文件偏移量 63539574开始46014字节长度的数据对应第一个索引的“查找表+XML”数据。查找表数据是非ASCII二进制数据,XML数据是纯文本,所以很容易把二者分别出来(XML部分其实没多大用)。





Source Code


  • RawUncomp - 用于从截断的LZX WIM中恢复数据的工具。
  • LibMSCompress - 围绕私有wimgap.dll函数包装库。
  • MSComp - 支持XPRESS、LZX和LZMS的压缩/解压缩工具。
  • ESDCrack - 半自动ESD破解工具。

ESD 破解






图01: ESD加密过程及恢复过程示意图。

图02: 试验中的ESD暴力解压工具(所用文件为Windows 10 build 10134 x64 ESD)。

图03: 在7-Zip的#模式下打开的数据区块。

Windows 10 10034 I386 WinRE文件。
图04: 恢复得到的Windows 10 build 10034 (x86) WinRE镜像文件。

Windows 10 10034 I386 WinRE演示。
图05: 运行Windows 10 build 10034 (x86) WinRE(感谢BlueRain的截图)。

Decompression of Encrypted ESDs

You heard it right, we can now extract stuff out of encrypted ESDs. Don't get too excited yet - this writeup is mainly intended for people with some level of experience with the Windows Imaging format (WIM) and the undocumented Electronic Software Download (ESD) image format!

To protect Windows images from being installed by unauthorised users, some ESD files are encrypted. Those ESDs are AES-encrypted, with the RSA-encrypted AES key stored in the XML data. To decrypt an ESD, the private RSA key from the Windows Update server will be used to decrypt the encrypted AES key, then the AES key will be used to decrypt the encrypted sections of the ESD. Without the private RSA key, an encrypted ESD is just a collection of random bytes (or maybe not...).

Encrypted Sections

Since not all processors have built-in AES support, Microsoft chose to only encrypt the sections required for data extraction. The chosen sections are the metadata resources, the lookup table and the chunk tables.

With the metadata resources, lookup table and chunk table unencrypted, you have a full ESD image:
View of full ESD.
With the metadata resources encrypted and the rest unencrypted, you’re left with a bunch of files without directory structure and names (they can be identified by their SHA-1 hash):
View of ESD minus metadata resource.
With the metadata resources and the lookup table encrypted, you’re left with a huge blob of data that has all the files in the ESD concatenated together (you won’t know where they start and where they end, it’s just the raw bytes concatenated):
View of ESD with only chunk tables.
And with the chunk tables encrypted, data extraction becomes impossible so you’re left with… well, nothing, not even the length of the uncompressed data:
View of fully encrypted ESD.

Cracking The Chunk Tables

If we can somehow obtain the chunk tables, then we can at least get a huge file which has all the files in the ESD concatenated. It probably wouldn’t be too simple to reconstruct a Windows image out of it, but at least all files are in there and we can manually extract the files of interest (eg: winre.wim, ntoskrnl.exe, explorer.exe and co.).

To crack the encrypted chunk tables, we need to first understand what a chunk table is.

ESDs are solid LZMS compressed archives with chunk size of 64 MiB, and LZMS extraction requires the knowledge of:

  1. The starting offset of the compressed data.
  2. The length of the compressed data.
  3. The length of the uncompressed data.

Chunk tables are for storing these, with one chunk table per solid blob (each solid blob means a new index in the image). A chunk table is defined as follows:

    ULARGE_INTEGER ullUncompressedSize;
    DWORD dwWindowSize;
    DWORD dwCompressionType;
    DWORD dwCompressedSizes[];
  1. The first field, ullUncompressedSize is a 64-bit integer for storing the uncompressed size of the solid blob. With this value, we can calculate numChunks = ⌈ullUncompressedSize ÷ 64 MiB⌉ and sizeof(tailChunkUncompressed) = ullUncompressedSize – (numChunks – 1) × 64 MiB. The uncompressed size of all none-tail chunks can be assumed to be dwWindowSize (64 MiB).
  2. The next field, dwWindowSize, is the chunk size. For ESD data, it’s always 64 MiB.
  3. The third field, dwCompressionType is the compression type and for ESDs, it’s always LZMS (3).
  4. The last field is an array for storing compressed sizes of the chunks. You can use these sizes to work out the offset of the next compressed chunk and the next and so on.

So, for each solid blob, after parsing its chunk table we should have:

  • Number of chunks in the solid blob.
  • For each chunk, its location, compressed size and uncompressed size.

Since the chunk tables are encrypted, we’re not getting any of that, so now the question is, how do we get all of that information without the chunk table? In other words, how can we reconstruct a chunk table based on the compressed data alone?

The first thing we have to do is to figure out the number of chunks in the solid blob. In ESDs, there’s a solid blob for each index (that has new files, which should always be the case) and each solid blob has a chunk table, and there’s a metadata resource file for each index. We know both the chunk tables and metadata resources are encrypted for each index, so let’s take a look at the following XML:
ESD XML chunk table lengths.

The lengths circled in red are the lengths of the chunk tables, they’re quite easy to spot since chunk tables are significantly smaller than metadata resources and lookup tables (the other lengths).

The number of chunks in a solid blob can be calculated by (sizeof(chunkTable) – 16) ÷ 4. Let’s take the first one as an example, it has length of 28, so the number of chunks in the first index is (28 – 16) ÷ 4 = 3, there are 3 chunks in the first index.

Next, we need to figure out the location of the compressed chunks. The location of the first chunk is always the location of the chunk table plus the size of the chunk table, so for index 1, it’s 208 + 28 = 236.

Now what we want to find is the uncompressed and compressed sizes of the first chunk, then we can decompress it to recover data. Since the first chunk is a non-tail chunk (there are 3 chunks, the first 2 are non-tail and the third one is tail), we know its uncompressed size is 64 MiB. So, the only thing we’re missing is the compressed size, and that will have to be brute forced.

Here is the pseudocode for brute forcing the compressed sizes of non-tail chunks:

Function UncompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputLen) Returns Length Throws Exception
Function CompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputCap) Returns Length Throws Exception

Function GetCompressedSize(CompressedBuffer[64 MiB]) Returns Length
    SizeToTry = 1
    UncompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    RecompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    While SizeToTry < 64 MiB:
            ULen = UncompressLZMS(CompressedBuffer, SizeToTry, UncompressedBuffer, 64 MiB)
            If ULen != 64 MiB:
                Throw BAD_ULEN
            CLen = CompressLZMS(UncompressedBuffer, 64 MiB, RecompressedBuffer, 64 MiB)
            If CLen != SizeToTry:
                Throw BAD_CLEN
            If RecompressedBuffer != CompressedBuffer
                Throw BUFF_MISMATCH
            Return SizeToTry
            SizeToTry = SizeToTry + 1
    Return 64 MiB // Chunk is uncompressed (can happen in ESDs).

Once the compressed size of the first chunk has been brute forced, we can decompress it. Now to work out the location of the second chunk, we simply add that length to the location of the first chunk, then we can use the same function to brute force the compressed size of the second chunk. Once that is done, we can decompress the second chunk and work out the location of the third chunk. Since there are 3 chunks in the first index, the third chunk is the tail chunk. Up to this point, we know the location of the third chunk, but we’re missing both its compressed size and uncompressed size (since it’s the last chunk, the uncompressed size is not guaranteed to be 64 MiB). Fortunately, we only need to brute force the uncompressed size as the compressed size can be calculated. Let’s revisit the XML:
ESD XML metadata resource offsets.

The offsets circled in green are the offsets of the encrypted metadata resources, and since metadata resources come right after the compressed data, we can use the offset of the metadata resource minus the offset of the tail chunk to work out the compressed size of the tail chunk. So now we have both the offset and the compressed size, we only need to brute force the uncompressed size. Here is the pseudocode:

Function UncompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputLen) Returns Length Throws Exception
Function CompressLZMS(Input, InputLen, Output, OutputCap) Returns Length Throws Exception

Function GetUncompressedSize(CompressedBuffer[CompressedSize]) Returns Length
    SizeToTry = 1
    UncompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    RecompressedBuffer = Buffer(64 MiB)
    While SizeToTry <= 64 MiB:
            If SizeToTry = CompressedSize:
                Throw SAME_LEN_NOT_ALLOWED
            ULen = UncompressLZMS(CompressedBuffer, CompressedSize, UncompressedBuffer, SizeToTry)
            If ULen != SizeToTry:
                Throw BAD_ULEN
            CLen = CompressLZMS(UncompressedBuffer, SizeToTry, RecompressedBuffer, 64 MiB)
            If CLen != CompressedSize:
                Throw BAD_CLEN
            If RecompressedBuffer != CompressedBuffer
                Throw BUFF_MISMATCH
            Return SizeToTry
            SizeToTry = SizeToTry + 1
    Return CompressedSize // Chunk is uncompressed (can happen in ESDs).

With the location, compressed size and uncompressed size of the tail chunk, we can decompress it. Since we have all non-tail chunks and the tail chunk decompressed, we can concatenate them together to form one blob of data and that is the uncompressed solid blob. You can then use the length of the uncompressed solid blob and the sizes of the compressed chunks to reconstruct the chunk table, which you’ll probably want to save somewhere so that you don’t have to do all the brute forcing again the next time you want to extract something.

Partial Recovery of The Lookup Table

Previous lookup tables for ESDs with multiple indexes can be recovered. ESDs with multiple indexes are generally generated by appending new indexes to the initial index, and whenever a new index is appended, the lookup table and XML data will have to be modified. Instead of modifying the existing lookup table and XML directly, DISM/WImgAPI appends a new lookup table and XML to the end of the ESD and modifies the pointers in the header to point to the newly added lookup table and XML. Since the old lookup table(s) and XML(s) are not longer referenced by the header, they cannot be encrypted. This leaves us an opportunity to recover those and use them to recover the individual files in the solid blobs of all indexes except for the last one. For the last time, let’s take a look at the XML:
ESD XML deleted file ranges.

Any well-formed ESD should have a lookup table and an XML directly after each metadata resource (ranges circled in green), so we can use the offset of the metadata resource plus its length to work out the offset of the lookup table and XML. The length of the lookup able and XML can be worked out by subtracting its offset from the offset of the next chunk table (circled in red). Take the first index as an example, the unreferenced lookup table starts at offset 63501870 + 37704 = 63539574, and has length 63585588 – 63539574 = 46014. If you copy 46014 bytes at offset 63539574, you’ll have the lookup table and XML of the first index concatenated together. Since the lookup table is binary and the XML is plaintext, they can be easily split apart (though the XML is kind of useless).

The last recoverable lookup table can be used to extract all individual files from all indexes except for the last index, and each lookup table can be compared to the previous lookup table to work out what was added in that particular index (look for new entries and changes in reference counts).


While ESD encryption is very effective at preventing unauthorised installations of Windows builds, it does not protect the data against extraction. With sufficient time and effort, most of the existing encrypted ESDs can be extracted and have all files in them recovered.

ESD Extraction Tool

Source Code

Included Tools

  • RawUncomp - tool for recovering data from truncated LZX WIMs.
  • LibMSCompress - wrapper library around private wimgapi.dll functions.
  • MSComp - compression/decompression tool with XPRESS, LZX and LZMS support.
  • ESDCrack - semi-automated ESD cracking tool.

ESD Cracking

ESDCrack currently does not support the decompression of tail chunks (the code is there, but I've disabled it) as it would take years to actually brute force a tail chunk. What you can do is you can crack the tail chunks manually using mode 3 of the included MSCompress utility, where you will get to adjust the parameters to significantly reduce the number of combinations to try. Feel free to modify/improve these tools and if you have better ways/algorithms, please let us know!

P.S. Don't laugh at my code, I know it's bad. I am not a software developer and I have never taken a single programming class before, so what do you expect lol.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to BlueRain for coming up with the idea that data in encrypted ESDs can be extracted and for translating this article to Chinese!


ESD encryption overview.
Fig01: Visualisation of ESD encryption and recovery.

ESD cracking demo.
Fig02: Experimental ESD brute force extraction tool in action (Windows 10 build 10134 x64 ESD).

ESD extracted chunk demo.
Fig03: Extracted chunk opened in 7-Zip’s # parse mode.

Windows 10 10034 I386 WinRE files.
Fig04: Recovered Windows 10 build 10034 (x86) WinRE WIM image.

Windows 10 10034 I386 WinRE demo.
Fig05: Windows 10 build 10034 (x86) WinRE in action (screenshot by BlueRain).

标签: Windows 10, ESD, Cracking, Encryption